Tips to landing remote work in Western Australia

24 November, 2020

Remote work within Western Australia has been booming! FIFO workers have continued to operate and were only stalled for a brief lockdown. Port Headland is experiencing record highs of iron ore exports and gold mining is said to be booming in Kalgoorlie.

“COVID has had no affect at all, if anything, I’ve had extra work,” Kalgoorlie driller Chris Potts.

If you are looking for FIFO work in Perth, Western Australia click here.

Looking for tips to landing remote work? Check out our advice below.

1. Highlight to recruiters that you are open to remote work

You can do this by updating your cover letter, resume and LinkedIn profile. Make sure you make it obvious you would be open to working remotely in the first paragraph of your cover letter.

You can update your LinkedIn profile by visiting your “Open to Work Settings” and updating them to indicate you’re open to remote job opportunities. Include in your profile summary or headline that you’re interested in working remotely.

2. Update your skillset

“Having 5 skills on your profile helps you be found up to 27X more by recruiters,” according to LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Learning has over 600 free courses to choose from to watch, learn and update your resume. Find out all about them via our previous blog here.

3. Set up alerts for jobs or follow relevant recruitment accounts

According to LinkedIn research, you are 4X more likely to hear back from a job if you apply within the first 10 minutes. You can set up alerts in LinkedIn and

You can follow us on Instagram as we update jobs daily on our account @silverstone_recruitment

Landed an interview for remote work in Perth Western Australia? Don’t forget to check out our blog “How to succeed in a job interview” here. 

We hope you found our tips to landing remote work insightful, all the best with your job hunt!